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        Welcome to Baoji Baoye Titanium-Nickel Industry Co., Ltd

        Titanium/steel Explosion Clad Plate and Titnaium Fitting

        Rare metals Clad Metals Plate      
        Products Range(mm) Standards  
        Ti/CS 1-20/2-200*3000*6000 GB8547-2006,ASTM B898  
        Ti/SS 1-20/2-200*3000*6000 GB8546-2007  
        Ti/Cu 1-20/2-100*2000*4000 Q/XB1506-1994  
        Ti/Al 1-20/2-50*1500*4000 Agreement  
        Ti/Ni 1-20/2-50*2000*4000 Agreement  
        Ni/CS 1-20/2-200*3000*6000 JB4748-2002,YB/T108-1997,ASTM A265,JIS G3602-92  
        Ni/SS 1-20/2-200*3000*6000 JB4748-2002,JIS G3602-92  
        Stainless Steel,Non-ferrous metals Clad Metals Plate      
        Products Range(mm) Standards  
        SS/CS 1-20/2-200*4000*8000 GB8165-97,JB4733-1996,ASTM A264,ASTMA265  
        Cu/CS 0.5-50/0.5-200*1500*6000 GB13328-1991,JISG3604-1992,ASTM B342  
        Cu/SS 0.5-50/0.5-200*1500*6000 GB13328-1991,JISG3604-1992  
        Al/Cu 0.5-100/0.5-100*1500*4000 Q/XB1906-94  
        Al/CS 0.5-30/0.5-200*1500*4000 Q/XB1906-94  
        Al/SS 0.5-30/0.5-200*1500*4000 Q/XB1906-94  
        Precious Metals,Refractory metals Clad Metals Plate      
        Products Range(mm) Standards  
        Ag/CS 0.5-5/1-50*1000*2000 GB2073-80  
        Zr/CS 1-5/8-200*1500*4000 Agreement  
        Zr/SS 1-5/8-200*1500*4000 Agreement  
        Ta/CS 1-5/10-200*1500*2000 Agreement  
        Ta/SS 1-5/10-200*1500*2000 Agreement  
        Multideck Clad Metals Plate      
        Products Range(mm) Standards  
        Ti/CS/Ti 1-10/1-200/1-10* GB8547-2007  
        Cu/Ti/Cu 0.5-10/1-10/0.5-10* Agreement  
        Ti/CS/SS 1-10/10-200/1-10*2500*4000 GB8547-2007  
        SS/CS/SS 1-20/10-200/1-20*4000*8000 Agreement  
        Al/Ti/CS 1-20/1-5/8-200*1500*4000 GB8547-2007  
        Cu/Al/Cu 0.5-20/0.5-100/0.5-20* Agreement  
        Al/Ti/Cu 1-10/1-5/1-100* Agreement  
        Clad Metals Rod      
        SS/Cu Agreement Agreement  
        Ti/Cu Agreement GB/T12769-2003  
        Ti/Cu/Cs Agreement Agreement  
        Clad Metals Pipe      
        Ag/Ti Agreement Agreement  
        Cu/Al Agreement Agreement  
        Clad Metals Products      
        Products Range(mm) Metals Standards
        Head Agreement SS/CS/,Ti/CS,Ti/SS,Ni/CS,Ni/SS etc JB/T 4746-2002 Agreement
        Tubesheet Agreement SS/CS/,Ti/CS,Ti/SS,Ni/CS,Ni/SS etc Agreement
        Transition Coupling Agreement Ti/Al,Ti/SS,SS/Al,Al/CS etc Agreement
        Titanium Material      
        Products Range(mm) Standards  
        Ti and Tialloy plate (0.3-4)*W1000*L2000 GB3621-2007,GB14845-1993,ASTM B265  
        Ti and Ti alloy rod ¢8350*2700 GB3620.1-2007,GB2965-1996,ASTM B348  
        Ti and Ti alloy pipe ¢3-15*0.2-2.0*11000 GB3621-2007,GB3624-1995  
        ¢16-110*0.6-5.0*15000 ASTM B337,ASTM B338,ASTM B861  
        Ti and Ti alloy ingot ¢400*2000 GB3620.1-2007Agreement  
        Titanium Products      
        Products Range(mm) Standards  
        Head Agreement JB/T 4746-2002/Agreement  
        Flange DN10DN2000 HG20592-20635,JISB2220  
        Ti reducing Agreement HG/T 3651-1999,Agreement  
        special fitting  
        Nickel Material      
        Products Range(mm) Standards  
        Ni and Ni alloy plate (0.5-20)*W1000*3000 GB2054-2005,ASTM B162  
        Ni and Ni alloy pipe φ6.0-7.5*1.0-1.50*11000 GB2882-1981ASTM B161,ASTM B163  
        Nickel Products      
        Nickel reducing coupling Agreement HG/T 3651-1999,Agreement  
        special fitting  
        Zirconium Material      
        Products Range(mm) Standards  
        Zr and Zr alloy plate δ1*1000*2000 Q/XB1601-1996,ASTM B551,ASTM B352  
        Zr and Zr alloy pipe Zr-4、Zr-2 GB8768-1988ASTM B353  
        Zr and Zr alloy rod (φ3.0-φ100)*L GB8769-1988,ASTM B550,ASTM B351  
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